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Ripple - Creating an Invoice Using Tags
Ripple - Creating an Invoice Using Tags
Alphaus Support Team avatar
Written by Alphaus Support Team
Updated over a week ago


To organise and manage the cost of each cloud service, it is advised to use tags for each resource, which includes cost allocation tag and environment tag. This article introduces the way of creating an invoice using these tag function.


First, click "Account/Group" > "Billing Groups" > "Add billing group".

Once "Add billing group" is clicked, you will see "Basic setting" like below. Enter the required information and click "Next" at the bottom right.

In this "Resource setting" step, you will select the configuration of the billing group - select creating billing group by "Tag".

When "Tag" is selected, the system will automatically display the list of accounts registered in Ripple and the tags activated under them.

Select the account x tag pair to create a billing group.

Non-tag distribution method

There are some services on AWS that cannot be attached tags. This method is used when billing for such services.

There are two ways to set the apportionment method.

  1. Apportion non-tag based on the total usage fee

  2. Set an arbitrary unit (fixed cost/ratio) and apportion according to the setting

The above method can be set or adjusted from "Preferences" > "Invoice Settings". Please note that it will be applied to every billing group on the system.

After completing "Resource setting", you can finally create a billing group by proceeding to "Invoice setting" and "Confirm the settings".

Important points to note when creating a billing group based on a tag (tags)

  • A billing group cannot be using both account and tag(s) resources

  • After creating a billing group based on a tag(s), use latest CUR - Cost Usage Report to sync the system with the latest data to recalculate the accurate amount

  • Recalculation using data from latest CUR is also required when changing the non-tag aggregation setting or the selected tag(s)

  • To prevent cost organization and management from getting complicated, accounts are designed not to belong to two or more billing groups ( = Accounts that belong to the billing group created based on a tag(s) cannot be included in any more billing groups created based on an account(s))

If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact us from the chat bottom below.

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